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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/08/11
AUGUST 11, 2008
7:00 pm
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present Richard Leone - Chairman, Frederick Gallup, Emma Smith, William
                Roach, Stephen White - Vice-Chairman, Donna Nashawaty - Town
                Manager; Police Department, Chief David Cahill, Officer Preston Migdal,
                Officer Christopher Buker; Betty Ramspott - Town Clerk/Tax Collector;
                Old Town Hall Committee - Mike Durfor, Ron Garceau, Jo Hill, Betsy

Other Attending:  See sign-in sheet.

Items for Signature or Review:  See agenda attached to minutes.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.
Donna Nashawaty asked the feeling of the Board members on continuing with a contribution to the Coalition Communities for the 2009 fiscal year.  The fiscal year for the Coalition runs from June 30, 2008 to June 30, 2009.  It was the consensus of the Board to continue with a contribution.  The amount will be discussed during the budget meetings.

Police Department - Chief Cahill introduced Officer Preston Migdal who has been hired as a full time officer (he was previously a part time officer) and Christopher Buker who has been hired as a part time officer (he was previously a summer employee in the harbor).  Both officers were sworn in by Town Clerk Betty Ramspott and received congratulations and welcome from the Board of Selectmen.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector - Betty Ramspott came before the Board of Selectmen to thank them for their support while she was taking courses over the last 3 years at the New England Clerk's Institute.  She gave a breakdown of the courses she took.  Graduation was held at St. Michael's College where Betty gave the graduation speech.  She will now apply to become a certified municipal clerk.  The Board of Selectmen advised Betty that they will write a letter of recommendation for her.  Betty reported that both she and Melissa Heino attended the training on elections that was held in New London and they need a majority of the Selectmen to seal the box of ballots for every election.  She also advised the Board that there will be on line training available.  Emma stated that she will be going to training in Bedford.  Dick Leone read the thank you letter from Betty.

Old Town Hall Committee - Mike Durfor, Ron Garceau, Jo Hill, and Betsy Katz were present.  Mike Durfor advised that they will resubmit their application for the historical registry in mid September.  The will be researching the building's uses over time and what impact it had on the community.  They asked if it would be okay to resubmit it once it is done.  He explained that just because it would be on the registry doesn't mean that restricts what can be done with it.  It can be removed from the registry.  He stressed that there are not a lot of grants available if it is not on the registry.  They want to get it on the New Hampshire registry as the national registry takes longer.  Ron Garceau explained that the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance nominates 7 properties each year.  You have to present a request to be nominated and show that the building is worth saving.  The application is due in by September 15th and the committee will meet on September 9th if they need to do anything further.  He reviewed some of the questions asked on the state application for the Board.  He also advised that Jo Hill has been working very hard looking up information.

A motion was made by Steve White to allow the committee to go forward and resubmit the state application and apply for "7 to Save" (see attachment to minutes).  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach.

Discussion on the motion - Fred praised the committee for the work they are doing and stressed that they keep in mind to strive toward this being self sustaining so that it does not become a burden to the taxpayers.  He advised that he is very much in favor of what the committee is doing regarding grants, etc.  Betsy Katz advised that some of the grants pay for someone to put a plan together.  Mike Durfor stated that their next charge is to determine what kind of use they can put this to.  He reported that the engineer said they are better off to save the building.  Steve White stated it is time to do something for the town and we ought to be able to spend money on ourselves.  Emma Smith volunteered to do the editing and writing.

The motion was approved unanimously by the Board.

NHMA Floor Policies - Donna reviewed some new policies that were submitted (see attachment to minutes).  The Board agreed to support all of the new policies.  The Board reviewed the original list (see attachment to minutes). Steve questioned the General Government Revenue Highway Fund item for an increase in the gas tax.  Dick advised that the gas tax has not been increased since 1982 and the roads are in bad condition.  Donna advised that the committee voted not to make that an action item. The feeling of the Board was unanimous to vote no on this item.  The Board also agreed to not support  #11 General Government Revenue and Int. Gov. Relations - Dick advised not at the expense of donor towns and Donna advised that this is a standing policy.  She asked if they wanted to support everything but the first statement.  It was agreed to vote no on the whole thing.  #9 Affordable Housing - Steve stated that if they support Britton vs. Chester it will tie Sunapee to the rules written by the Supreme Court.  Donna explained that this is a standing policy and sometimes very loose rules come out.  This is to keep a lot of people out of it.  It supports incentives, but does not divert state money.  The Board agreed to vote yes on this item.

Tony Bergeron and Water & Sewer Commission - Policy, River Road Example
Tony reported that a possible water main break on River Rd. was reported, but it was not a break.  Water was coming to the surface of the road.  At the time, the ground was frozen so a hole was dug, crushed stone put in, and the area was barricaded.  When the frost went out of the ground, the water went.  About 3 weeks ago water came to the surface again.  He asked whose responsibility it is to take care of it.  He stated that the Water Department felt it was the town's responsibility.  The edge of the original sewer trench was where the water was coming up.  The Highway Department put in an additional catch basin and the Water & Sewer Department put in a drainage line to direct water to the basin.  They need a policy to determine who takes care of these situations.  Steve White asked if the construction across the road had anything to do with it and Tony stated that it appears that is the source.  Tony advised that this type of situation (water coming up from a water or sewer trench) has occurred 5 times before and the Highway Department has taken care of it.  He also stated that it is coming from the sewer line and feels that the Water & Sewer Department should take care of it.  Bill Roach stated he feels the owner of the building should bear some of the cost.  Tony asked who addresses it when it exists and feels that the property owner should be billed.  He explained that the pipe lays in a bedding of crushed stone to a depth of 6" under it.  The stone comes up and around the pipe and is 6" deep over it.  He explained that fine particles get in and clog the stone.

Ted Gallup advised that when the issue is in town roads and appears to be a sewer and water problem, Tony thinks the Water & Sewer Department should fix it.  He advised that when they put in the drainage line it took care of the problem and also the water in the basement of the house.  Steve advised that the Water & Sewer Department should be responsible if it is caused by a Water/Sewer line blockage.  Tracy Nangeroni stated they want some direction.  Do they have to come to the Board of Selectmen every time?

Tony stated that the contention is what is the exact responsibility of the Water & Sewer Commission.  Does it include the trench the conduit is installed in?  Fred stated that this situation involves sewer trenches and he thinks it should be a shared expense.  He proposed coming up with a shared responsibility and expense (50/50).  Aaron Simpson stated he thinks there has to be an assessment of each situation.  Dave Bailey advised that they need to come to some type of agreement as they can't wait until they can get together.  Tony advised that the Water & Sewer Department has never taken care of any settling of trenches since the warranty of the contract ran out.  Steve White stated he agrees that when something is caused by a trench problem, they should share the responsibility and cost.  Charlie Smith stated he thinks there is nothing wrong with splitting the cost.  Ted Gallup advised that he thinks 50/50 works and if they come to an impasse, they will come before the Board of Selectmen.  Aaron Simpson asked for a memorandum of understanding between the Water & Sewer Commission and the town.  Donna stated she doesn't think a memo is needed and Tony advised that they need something set down.  Dave Bailey stated that the departments work well together and doesn't think this is an issue.  Fred clarified that if it is a pipe problem, the Water & Sewer Department takes care of it.  If it is a drainage problem, the Highway Department takes care of it and if it is a trench problem, it will be shared.  Donna and Aaron will work on the memorandum.  

Recommendation Letter - Steve White asked about the recommendation letter for Betty Ramspott.  Emma will write the letter and the Board members will sign it.  

LSPA - Hot Dog Vendor for Love Your Lakes Day - Donna advised the Board that she wanted them to be aware that the LSPA has asked that a hot dog vendor be included for Love Your Lakes Day on the Use of Town Facilities form.  There was no objection from the Board.

Pignataro -Donna reported that an eviction notice and a letter giving the breakdown of taxes, interest, and penalty were sent.  The total amount is $35,000.00.  $21,000.00 is the 15% penalty assessment.  Mr. Pignataro is asking for the penalty to be waived.  He has advised that he will pay the taxes, interest, and costs up to 9//08 of $13,494.60 plus approximately another $300.00 by the end of this month.  She advised that he has been given time in the past, but nothing has been paid.  Fred stated if it is not paid by 5:00 PM on September 2, 2008, he will be evicted  If not paid by 9/2/08 Donna advised she would proceed with the eviction notice and he would have to be out in 30 days.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup that if all taxes and interest be paid by 5:00 PM on September 2, 2008 the penalty assessment be waived.  If not paid, eviction will commence on September 3, 2008 and he will have until May 15, 2009 to redeem.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.

Generator at Hydro - Donna reported that Bob Collins recommended scrapping the old hydro generator. (See attachment to minutes) A motion was made by Emma Smith to scrap the old generator.  The motion was seconded by Steve White.  Discussion on the motion:  It was asked if they have to put it out to a sealed bid and Donna suggested that the Transfer Station recommend a procedure to get the best price.  The motion was voted on an approved unanimously.  Donna will work with Tony.

Assessing - Donna read a memo from Norm Bernaiche stating that the equity and assessments are good overall and he does not recommend an update.  Donna also reported that the three towns are actively searching for a new assessor for when Norm leaves at the end of his contract.  Applications are due in by August 15, 2008.  

Dick expressed concern that they need a policy regarding work by the Beautification Committee in the harbor.  There is a lot of controversy.  He read from a letter he wrote regarding policy.  (See attachment to minutes)  Steve advised that they were presented with a plan in 2004 and that the Board has since given the Beautification Committee control over the benches and where they are placed.  However, he thinks it has gotten out of hand, but he doesn't want it to become a sore point in town.  The Beautification Committee and Gardeners have put great effort into improving it so it now looks like a park.  He suggested that they go back to the original plan from 2004 and if they want something different, they will have to come back to the Board of Selectmen.  Dick advised that the townspeople have to have the opportunity for input.  Emma suggested that they contact and meet with the Committee.  Bill advised that the area by the fence was to have flowers, shrubs and the hydrangeas that were taken from the walkway.  There is only one hydrangea there.  When they talked about a children's playground, people in town said they don't want more above ground.  He stated there are two things that were on the original plan he doesn't think can be done.  There was a garden that would take up one parking space, but there is a trash receptacle and a pole there.  The second was for a triangular garden by the launch area and there is a pole there and not enough width.  Fred stated that it has been suggested that the Beautification Committee have an ex-officio member from the Board of Selectmen and he is volunteering to be that member.  He will get together with them and try to get the program back into a reassessment situation and determine if they want to present a new plan for the harbor if they want to do more.  He feels it is something they need to look at again.  He stated that he thought the benches were to come before the Board of Selectmen with placement to be determined by the Beautification Committee.  Donna advised that the Beautification Oversight Committee is authorized to spend money and suggested that the Beautification Oversight Committee be given an additional charge to have public meetings and take minutes.  There are three groups:  the Beautification Oversight Committee, the Beautification Committee, and the Gardeners and they all overlay so it is confusing.  Dick advised that there are more memorials than he thought.  Fred stated that he will inventory the memorials. Donna stated that when the protocol was issued, the maps with the location of the benches were to be given.  She stated that the map was given, but the Board of Selectmen never approved it.  

10:22 PM - The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith